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extraORDINARYwomen Collection and Oral Histories

Overview of the archives within this section

Acorn Group at NIACRO

During extraORDINARYwomen engagement, a series of workshops were held with the Acorn Group at NIACRO (Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders), where participants worked alongside writer Rosemary Jenkinson to create and share short written pieces about their lives.

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Oral Histories

extraORDINARYwomen engaged with women from all generations and from diverse backgrounds across Northern Ireland. Women recorded inspiring oral histories elucidating their lived experiences and capturing responses to contemporary issues affecting women in Northern Ireland.

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Changing the Story

During workshops led by author Jan Carson, women from across Northern Ireland created their own unique writing in response to literary talents who have shaped the Northern Irish writing scene such as Christina Reid, Joan Lingard, Jennifer Johnston, and Sinéad Morrissey. “Every word that a woman writes changes the story of the world” Carolyn See.

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