Extra Ordinary Women Logo Linen Hall Library Logo
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Search the Collections

Explore the vast collections of the Linen Hall Library which highlight the roles and attitudes of women in Northern Ireland since 1965.

During a major preservation project, the Linen Hall Library selected, documented, and digitised tens of thousands of archival materials.

These paper and digital archives, artefacts and objects are a selection of the Linen Hall Library’s significant Political, Theatre and Performing Arts, and Literary collections. Curated highlights from oral histories and donations to the extraORDINARYwomen project are also accessible to search and consult on this section of the website.


The collections can be searched in several ways: by keyword; project themes; collections; person; and by date.

Navigation tools ensure your browsing, exploration, and use of the resources is accessible, engaging, and enjoyable.

Donate your archives to the Linen Hall Library

Contact the Linen Hall if you have archives which you would like to donate to the Library.

Contact us

More collections to explore

The extraORDINARYwomen project has enabled the Linen Hall Library to showcase and make accessible some of the unique archives it holds, which illustrate the experiences of women in Northern Ireland from 1965 to present day.

Many more items from these and other collections can be discovered and consulted in the Library.  For further information please check out www.linenhall.com or email info@linenhall.com.