Extra Ordinary Women Logo Linen Hall Library Logo
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Learn about the experiences and achievements of women in Northern Ireland through our range of exhibitions.

Each curated exhibition will lead you on a journey of discovery offering opportunities to learn about women’s lived experience in Northern Ireland since 1965.

Materials showcase the project’s main themes, and issues commonly discussed by extraORDINARYwomen participants and community groups. The exhibitions are a mix of creative responses, spoken word extracts, historical documents, archives, photographs, and film footage designed to inspire and empower you in your exploration of the extraORDINARYwomen resource.

Sparks exhibition logo

'Sparks: A Celebratory Portrait of Women in Northern Ireland'

This exhibition explores the diverse roles of women in our society. From activists, writers, mothers, scientists, sports professionals to entrepreneurs women support their communities in a variety of ways. The stories of their role in creating positive change and supporting their communities has often remained in the dark however this exhibition keeps those bright ‘sparks’ glowing.

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Together We Are Strong

'Together We Are Strong: Women In Northern Ireland Since 1965'

Examining roles and attitudes of women in Northern Ireland during a momentous period of recent history, extraORDINARYwomen utilised the culturally and historically significant collections of the Linen Hall Library.

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