extraORDINARYwomen have appeared in many guises. For some it was a mental battle to achieve their goals, for example, many education institutions pre 1965 banned women from studying or becoming members. The marriage bar and social expectation also often blocked women from developing their careers. For many women their primary role was in the home, raising children and caring for family members often under difficult circumstances. The role they played to support their communities has often been overlooked. Other women, impassioned by their interests and talents, smashed through glass ceilings and have achieved some of the greatest discoveries, research, experiences and actions of our times. Currently the Linen Hall Library collects contemporary archives which tell a wide story of women’s lived experience. Many of our project participants highlighted the need to have strong, aspirational role models. Donations to the extraORDINARYwomen archive have illuminated this and we are pleased to welcome a range of material which offers a diverse experience to our shelves.