Extra Ordinary Women Logo Linen Hall Library Logo
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This exhibition illuminates the women creating ‘sparks’ of empowerment and inspiration for a bright future.


Sparks explores the diverse roles of women in Northern Ireland since 1965. The exhibition highlights activists, writers, mothers, scientists, sports professionals and entrepreneurs. The Linen Hall Library has an exceptional wealth of archives and objects, many of them documenting women’s history and voices. Sparks amplifies some of these in order to encourage you to access our collections and uncover stories that mean something to you. Through the extraORDINARYwomen engagement programme, the Linen Hall Library has been shining a light on women from its collections through workshops and talks. Inspired by these stories, women from across Northern Ireland have been sharing their experiences. Using archives, photographs, illustrations, and oral histories this exhibition is a celebratory portrait of women in Northern Ireland.

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Storytellers in Literature, Theatre and the Arts

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Activism and Leadership

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A Woman’s Place is Everywhere

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